What is Nutriq?

AgroLiquid Crops & Application
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This is the question that we get the most often. Why did we choose to sell ArgoLiquid? The answer is simple, but it’s also not. Foremost, they care. This is something that, frankly, most ag retailers can’t boast of. Secondly, they have the same goals to serve the Ag community by supplying the best products they can, to tailor those products to help each farm individually, and to stand behind whatever they do with the most knowledge in the industry. These are the ideas they strive to emulate, and we do the same.
AgroLiquid makes this super easy for us. They have one of, if not the best delivery systems in the business. If you choose to work with us, you get the same products, at the same price, but you get us. You get our phones, our knowledge, and our drive to help you better your farms. We stand behind everything we do and AgroLiquid will be not exception.
AgroLiquid is the premium fertilizer company in the state of Michigan and beyond. If you want cheap, they can do it, but that’s not what they’re all about. Their Nutriq technology makes your application go further. so, pound for pound AgroLiquid is usually more expensive, but you’re getting their special sauce (Nutriq) in each product and that generally makes your rates come way down.